Friday, July 18, 2008

this award goes to..

suddenly Nyonya Rully yang status YMnya masih "to Monas" nyuruh gw buat buka blog karena ada bingkisan untukku..*gw kirain dapet makanan (ngarep) tapi ko disuruh buka blog ya? eeergh, laper sih soalnya :p
eeeeeh, ternyata gw dapet Award "Briliante Weblog Premio 2008", hehe makasih riiiii, mwuaahhhh
oh iyaaa, also thanks to Dita who gave me this award...*miss our conversation dit, onlen lagi dwooooong...:)

well, karena katanya mesti estafet, so please follow the rules below yaaa...

1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

and the nominees are....

1) Nisa, My simply wonders lyrics of life
2) Oneeeeeeeeng. *ayo neeeeeng apdet dong blognya!!!
3) Retno, Nochan Diary
4) Kiky, Song of Myself
5) Adhit&Adinda. *i really like ur cute twin daughter :)
6) Yayi si anak sehat. *keep up a healthy life ya!
7) Peps, Pep's Hell Kitchen

*well, enjoy guys!!


nochan said...

makasiiiiih meikaaaaa...
*hugs&smoochies* hehehehe

okey, aku kerjain pe-ernya dulu yaah.. ^_^

Anonymous said...

waaaaaa ada namaa guaaaa.. 8aslinya sih gue rada ga ngerti mei ini buat apaan dan kenapa tiba2 ada nama gua* ngahahaha..tapi tetep, waaaaaa...ada nama guaaaaaa..!! ^ ^ maaci meikaaa