apparently, last sunday was a terrible (check out my latest post) but also a beautiful day ever
i supposed to make it happened ever since 3 years ago (hehehe lama ajaa ngarepnya) but exactly with the rite guy, and now it seems come true
iqbal (my macaroni) was telling my parents about his purpose of our relationship, alhamdulillaaah...*akhirnyaaaa, hehe*
i saw him so mature and wise while he talked to my papa *hehehe, lucu deh liat dia serius banget*
menegangkan sih awalnya, baru ngomong gitu aja udah kaya mau ngucapin ijab kabul book :D
bolak-balik ngerokok ga berhenti-berhenti, katanya siih bikin otaknya bisa mikir *heeeeahh, aneh kalo gw bilang, apa hubungannyaaa cobba? ada juga bikin penyakitan bukan??!!:P*
but sutralaaaah, he has he's own 'ridiculous' way to think correctly, hihihihi
i'm so glad, so thankful to Allah to what i felt
and also so sorry to what i've done :'(
well, sadness and happiness come and go...*sudah biasa bukaaan?*
aaaaaaaaah, that's life!!
1 comment:
wooowwww you're getting married soon ! aku irii.. congrats yaa meisyaa =D
kapan nih ijab kabul benerannya? hehe ditunggu lhoo cerita2 married nya, hihi.. selamat yaaa..
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