Weeeew, setelah gw cek ternyata udah lumayan banyak juga unpublish post yang tersimpan di draft
Ada yg gak sempet buat diselesain karena udah keburu dijemput hubby, ada yang udah tinggal di publish tapi kayanya gak enak dibaca atau malah ada yg kepending karena mesti ngerjain hal lain dan berakhir dengan gw yang udah gak mood lagi buat nerusin apalagi nyelesein, hhhh...
Banyaaak banget hal yang gw lewatin tapi gak ketulis di blog ini
Yang ada malah ditulis di kalender dari Vayatour di kamar, oret-oretan buat nandain hari ini ada apa atau ngapain, hihihi
Mestinya gw bisa leih kreatif dan mature lagi sih setelah menikah dan umur yang makin dewasa (baca: tua)
Tapi lately banyakan hal-hal yang gw tulis terasa childish dan gak banget buat dikonsumsi publik, heudeeehhhh..
Ok, many things happen and it's not easy for me to accept it..
I can't talk here but i do really hope that it's gonna be better one day..
Ok, update yang pastinya sangat random:
1. Today's our 4 month wedding anniversary, and we're happy and grateful to what Allah gave to us, alhamdulillah..
2. Yesterday was the first time for Nisa and me hanging out together after i married, it's been so long dear and i really enjoy it so much...
3. My best of the best friend, Ocha, gave birth to her first son named Ziyan Darrel Ghaizan on March 14th, and he's so cute and adorable! I've plan to see them when they arrive home so that i can kiss and bite Ziyan, hehe
4. My little niece is now 5 month old and she's so smart and absolutely funny and cuuuute like me, hehe
5. It's almost 3 years i've worked for this telecommunication company, and it's the longest time i can stay in a company, betah apa gak ada motivasi sih gw sebenernya? hhhhh
6. The more i know my hubby, the moooore i love him, emmmm ok yang ini agak mendayu-dayu kaya lagu melayu but it's ok, hihi
7. I miss my mom so much but (still) i can't visit her for almost 3 weeks, yep 3 weeks but i'm desparety missing her so much
8. My mother in law was unwell and following doctors’ orders she has to stay in hospital for 3 days because of her fever. Alhamdulillah now she's getting better..
9. We have just completed watching the entire episodes of Traveler The Series Season One, and can't wait to watch the next season of it coming out
10. I'm barely feel bored and need another 'just the two of us' vacation with hubby lah pastinya, mmmm kemana ya enaknya?
11. I love my new status as a wife, love and enjoy it so muuuuuch!
12. Emmmmh, oh ya i just need a special diet to loose weight without suffering from hunger, hihihi gw doyan ngemil sih setelah nikah, jadi susaaah banget buat nahan laperrr, rrrrrrgh!
13. Tambah susah buat bangun pagi, night oooh night...
14. Ok enaff, my boss calls me and it means i have to finish writing...
Hope i can write on it everyday and be a better writer, amiinnn
*Wish me have an idea and chance to write tomorrow ya, hehe gak penting, maaf deh ^_^
Greenday Live In Jakarta
2 days ago
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