Tuesday, February 12, 2008

nguantukkkk berat

ngantuk bgt deh pagi ini
beraaaaaaaattt bgt rasanya mata ini mau melek
pengen pulangg trus tiduurrr deeeeh....zzzz...zzzz...zzzz...

lately, gw sering banget tidur late at nite
tidur jam 12 malem paling cepet, pheeewww
dah gitu weekend ga bisa stay at home all day long, adaaa aja yg mesti buat gw keluar rumah
hmmph, memang cape sih, tapi syeneeeng
berhubung masih dalam proses adaptasi jadi kayanya mesti ngorbanin a little more time to get to know each other deh, hhhhh..

well, meski ngantuk sengantuk2nya tapi semalem tuh bener2 berkualitas bgt deh obrolan gw sama iqbal
kita makin ngerasa jelas aja what d'next step could we take dan visi kedepannya, yah semoga aja lah...*doain ya temans :)*
again, we jaz can do our best and Allah who decide whether it's the best or not for us
coz if it's meant to be, it will be, that's a destiny

doooooooooh, dari ngantuk ko jadi ngelantur kemana2 gini yah, hehe
but memang it's time to think of it seriously coz i'm in the middle of 20..*sigh teteuuup :(*

dara, tasia, and me

me and tasia

well well, today is tasia's last day working on Indosat, hiks
good bye darling or see ya later on telkom *ngarep bisa dapet telkom juga, hehe :)...
gonna miss u much
good luck for everything that u do and wish the greatest thing on ur life tas...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha.. dia curhat abis2an nampaknya di blog.. cie meika.. im happy for you darl..