Monday, June 23, 2008

we called it destiny

when u love someone and u know that he/she's the one for u, u might not want to loose him/her
all u wanna do is jaz stay close to her/him for all of time, or till death do us apart rite? *sigh*
having someone special in our life is like a gift that we should gratitude to Allah because it's so hard to find *aren't u? or it's jaz hard to find for me?hhh

so, when u finally got the one that u love and he/she can love you jaz the way you are, jaz be thankful to Allah for this blessed, and also pray for this feelings, hope Allah always takes care of this feelings lasts forever in our heart, amiiiinnnn...*duuuuuh, tumben nih gw, ada angin apaaaaa ya ko gw bisa nulis kaya gini, hehehe...

this below pictures are taken from Sex and the City the Movie....

Carrie and Mr. Big

Mr. Big

Carrie's picture on Vouge Magazine

on the "would-not-have-been" wedding days with the gals :'(

*if it means to be, it will be, that's a destiny..*intinya kalo jodoh maaahhh ga kemanaaaa...:)

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