Friday, June 27, 2008
sebel deh!!
kayanya memang semuanya ga selalu semanis dan seindah yang gw bayangin...
sebel, sebeel, sebeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll!!!!! :'(
pengen teriak atau pergi yang jauh aja sekalian, aaaaaaaaargghhhh nyebelin banget sih!!!!*ok stop it, take a deep breath now, hhhhhh..
huuuuuumph, wondering tar malem dengerin lagu-lagu coldplay sambil bobo'an aja dikamar trus nyalain lilin aromatherapi lavender biar adem deh...*mudah-mudahan feel better and relax
*well guys, hepi weekend and hope u'll have a great time
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
need a vacation
kemaren juga, biasa aja...
ada saatnya gw boring, doing the same things, this and that over and over again everyday
i need a vacation, please gimme some idea where shud i go from this routines??!!
something that makes me smile is jaz seeing my little sister yang perutnya semakin membuncit...*aaaah can't hardly wait rasanya...
hmmmmph, and also my mac, he's colouring my days beautifully, alhamdulillaaaah...
i jaz can't wait for the days to come and we're gonna be together 'till the end of time, amiiiinnn..
it feels like we know each other for long long time ago, so completely different to what i felt before
*thx Allah who sent him into my life, i'm so grateful...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
(still) Sex and the City the Movie
especially the scenes which are showing that love is not always can be described by beautiful words
tapi yang namanya cewe, sukanya kan dipuja-puji bagaikan sang dewi (baca:digombalin) hehehe
padahal, those beautiful words mean nothing if there's no proper action to prove it, right?
from Miranda and Steve scenes,i've jaz realize that sometimes we forget to make someone that we loved so special to us
friends always be there to support us, i thought, it's a true meaning of love, isn't it?
a true friend will feel happiness and get involve to it, even though he/she's still in a bad time :)
*hmmmmmph, i guess it's never get enough if talking about love, friendship and SATC, hehe..i shud go back to work cos my boss seems walk in to my desk, oh nooo!!! have a good one everybody :)
Monday, June 23, 2008
the scenes makes me laugh, or at least smile :P
20's something gals come to New York for bla bla blaaaa...hehhehe
love it when they're hang out togather...
i love the way Carrie take care of their friends
Charlotte reaction's when she know that Carrie will marry to Big
Carrie carries this outfit to her new appartementi love the way they laugh and support each other
Charlotte helps Carrie to prepare her wedding, and it's sooo sweet
hahahahaha, they laugh at Charlotte's accident..u know what is exactly happen right??
*well, for better or worst true friend will always be there when we need them....
we called it destiny
all u wanna do is jaz stay close to her/him for all of time, or till death do us apart rite? *sigh*
having someone special in our life is like a gift that we should gratitude to Allah because it's so hard to find *aren't u? or it's jaz hard to find for me?hhh
so, when u finally got the one that u love and he/she can love you jaz the way you are, jaz be thankful to Allah for this blessed, and also pray for this feelings, hope Allah always takes care of this feelings lasts forever in our heart, amiiiinnnn...*duuuuuh, tumben nih gw, ada angin apaaaaa ya ko gw bisa nulis kaya gini, hehehe...
this below pictures are taken from Sex and the City the Movie....
on the "would-not-have-been" wedding days with the gals :'(
i've watched them
i've jaz remember that my thesis was their scripts of 3rd and 4th season's of Sex and the City the Series
ok, i'm not gonna talking what and how was my thesis all about but i passed it successfully (nyombong dikit gpp yeee):D
well, u have to watch this movie,cause it's one of the greatest romantic movie i've ever watched!
i thought it would be great if u watch it with ur gals friend, hhhhhh *cause my macaroni feel so sleepy and dizzy during we watching the movie, hehehe mungkin dia pusing kali ya denger komentar-komentar gw about their outfit yang lucu-lucu banget ituuuu, hhhh sutralaaahhh
Friday, June 20, 2008
pictures from MTV VJ Hunt
sempet motoin RAN dari belakang, udah siap-siap mau pulang soalnya
udah capek, yoookkk pulaaaang...*besok mesti kerja lagi boookk...
well, karena udah malem dan inget besok mesti kerja keras banting tulang buat nabung beli sepatu bulan depan, hehe makanya kita udah cabut sebelum acaranya selesai, dan baru tau siapa yang menang VJ Hunt 2008 dari detikcom besok paginya, dan good newsnya si Robby yang gw dan temen-temen support jejeritan malem itu, jadi The Favorite Vj Hunt 2008, ok selamat ya Robby..*siapa tau dia baca blog gw, hehehe ngareppp...
*that was the story from last week, have a good one everybody!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
so worried
takut kalo dia kenapa-kenapa dan takut juga kalo gw kenapa-kenapa *hhhhh, jadi kepikiran deh
karena gw pun punya masalah yang sama
semoga aja bisa diatasi dengan cara yang tidak menyulitkan siapapun, amiiiinnnn
gw jadi takut...
tapi gw juga mesti support dia, as her best friend
so many questions running thru my mind nih....
semoga ga kenapa-kenapa deh, amin amiiin amiiinnn
mamaaaaa, aku mau minum jamuuu, mau nurut minum apaaaa aja supaya aku sehattt!!!
*gw jadi nyesel nih karena kalo disuruh minum ini itu sama nyokap gw buat kesehatan tapi gwnya males2an gamau minum, hhhhh...
*well, hope everything will be fine, amiiiiinnnn...
he comes!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
it's great
can't sleep well
males banget deh kebangun cuma gara-gara mimpi serem, hhhhhh
gara-garanya nonton shutter minggu sore sama my chubby macaroni
eeeehhhh, malemnya aye kagak bisa tidur tenaaanggg, seyeeeemmm
bangun jam 3 pagi, mau solat tapi lagi berhalangan, jadinya bengang-bengong malah banyangin yang lebih serem
emang nih fantasi gw suka lebaiiii, hehehe
makan? boro-boro keluar kamar aja gw takut!!
baca-baca buku??males banget, lah wong sebenernya gw masih ngantuk bangettt tapi takut banget buat merem karena kalo merem setannya malah berasa melayang-layang diatas kepala gw, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pengen nangis dan teriak kan malu, ayekan udah gedeee!!
trus apalagi ayooo?apaa??
baca AlQuran? yeeee,kan udah dibilang gw lagi dapet tamu bulanan, gimana seehh? :P
eh apa apaaa??? nah ntu bener tuuuh yang di ujung sana, hehehe *berasa emci kondang-an aja gw*
GW NONTON BOLAAAA, Swiss vc Portugal!!! Ya Allaaaaah, ga kebayang, ko bisa-bisanya gw kebangun buat nonton bola yaakkk?? hhhh, nasiiibbb!!
padahal nih, gw ga pengen nonton bola, tapi karena sempet pencet chanel lain dan gambarnya semut semua gitu, duuuuhhh tambah serem takut nanti malah setannya keluar dari tipi makanya gw gamau ganti chanel lagi :'(
alhasil, sekarang gw agak ngantukkkk!!!
semprul tuh film, kenapa mesti pake kebayang-bayang, hhhhhh ampuuuunnn deh gamau nonton horor lagi...
well, that was a silly story i could tell u this sleepy monday morning, hoaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh
Thursday, June 12, 2008
hi there...
Actually, i'm doing jaz fine? (padahal siapa juga yang nanya ya?hehehe)
so many things happened on me and my macaroni (in a good way looooowh)
senengnya punya someone yang bisa buat aku jadi who i really am :)
Pengen banget bisa ngupdate blog seperti biasanya tapi sekarang lagi males-semales malesnya nih gw...:'(
kemaren sebenernya banyak hal-hal yang belum sempet gw ceritain dan pengen banget gw share, tp malah jadi keburu lupa, hhhh bodohnya aku ini:'(
yang pastinya gw inget (karena masih anget-angetnya) adalah ocha&daus' wedding party on June 8, 2008
i'm sooooo glad that they finally made it!!! congrats for both of you my dearest friends (fyi: mereka hasil dari perjodohan gw loh and i'm proud of it)
apalagi yaa?
foto-foto wedding mereka kemaren bakal gw posting nanti-nantian aja nungguin mereka pulang honeymoon dari Bali, hehehe *sebenernya gaada hubungannya sih tapi gpp deh gw emang lagi males aja...
duuuh, gw lagi pengen banget refreshing nih, jalan-jalan ketempat yg belum pernah gw datengin
lagi jenuh, ga semangat, ga bergairah, ga napsu ups... mulai ga penting nih kayanyaaaa
stop ngeluh Meika, stopp it!!! ihikihikihikkkk, tapi aku lagi bener-bener boseeennnnn, astaghfirullah maafin aku ya Allah...
well well well, daripada postingan gw makin ga keruan aja juntrungannya mending udahan dulu kali yaaa
coba browsing-browsing airasia dan cari rambut nenek2 buat cemilan aja aaaagh...
*macaroniiiiii, i need uuuuuuu.....
Monday, June 02, 2008
monday morning
ok, today???
sampe kantor jam 6.25 am saja *pagi amat yakk!!*
dikasih oleh-oleh sama bos dari Bandung (makasih paak) alhamdulillah, bisa nyemil-nyemil sambil nungguin tika buat sarapan
abis ngasih oleh-oleh bosku pergi lagi bareng sama pak bosku yang satunya lagi keluar kota (ihiiiiiiiyyy!!!) tapi tar siang juga balik lagi ke kantor (gpp, yg penting senin pagi bisa berasa jumat pagi, hehe)
nanti malem mesti ke Tendean (duh, kalo inget itu perut gw berasa ada kupu-kupunya), hope everything's gonna be perfect, amiiinn amiiinnn amiiiiinnnn
well, have a good one everybody...!!