sore ini gw masih dikantor...
sepiiii banget cuma ada manager gw sama gw di sisi utara lantai 18 gedung KPPTI
mang biasanya juga sepi sih, tp ini berasa beda ajaa
buka puasa pake sebotol air putih ngambil di pantry sendirian pula, alhamdulillah...
akhirnya hati gw bersyukur karena punya keluarga yg masih utuh di rumah, so sekali2 ngerasain kesendirian gpp laaaaaaaahh...
planning mo ketemu my ex-supervisor yang dah more than 3 month ga contact2an, mau denger aja cerita2nya
hhhmmmmmmmm, pengen makan apa yah nanti?bebek ginyo boleh juga nih...
tp apa aja boleh deh, yg penting bisa ngobrol2 dan cerita2 sepuasnya, hehehe
actually, i'm still wondering why should i fall in luv with a Mr. "R"?? still can't forget him even i've tried so hard
jaz like mandy moore sang in her song "to be only urs i pray...", well, i did it but then it seems so hard to be thru
Ya robb, only u who knew it..please gimme the answer why u stay him away from me?hiks...
well, i jaz wanna be happy with him..but if Allah doesn't want me to be with me, i'll take it sincerely, i know for sure that Allah 'll give the best that i've never thought before,amiiiiiiiiiiinnnn...*sumpah ini gw ngarep bgt,hehehe..
well well....hopefully, Allah'll never stay away from me,amiiiiiiiinnn
Greenday Live In Jakarta
2 days ago
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