Friday, September 21, 2007

the other side

sore ini gw masih dikantor...
sepiiii banget cuma ada manager gw sama gw di sisi utara lantai 18 gedung KPPTI
mang biasanya juga sepi sih, tp ini berasa beda ajaa
buka puasa pake sebotol air putih ngambil di pantry sendirian pula, alhamdulillah...
akhirnya hati gw bersyukur karena punya keluarga yg masih utuh di rumah, so sekali2 ngerasain kesendirian gpp laaaaaaaahh...
planning mo ketemu my ex-supervisor yang dah more than 3 month ga contact2an, mau denger aja cerita2nya
hhhmmmmmmmm, pengen makan apa yah nanti?bebek ginyo boleh juga nih...
tp apa aja boleh deh, yg penting bisa ngobrol2 dan cerita2 sepuasnya, hehehe

actually, i'm still wondering why should i fall in luv with a Mr. "R"?? still can't forget him even i've tried so hard
jaz like mandy moore sang in her song "to be only urs i pray...", well, i did it but then it seems so hard to be thru
Ya robb, only u who knew it..please gimme the answer why u stay him away from me?hiks...
well, i jaz wanna be happy with him..but if Allah doesn't want me to be with me, i'll take it sincerely, i know for sure that Allah 'll give the best that i've never thought before,amiiiiiiiiiiinnnn...*sumpah ini gw ngarep bgt,hehehe..
well well....hopefully, Allah'll never stay away from me,amiiiiiiiinnn

get closer to this feeling

this morning, i jaz wake up with a litte smile ;)
remembered to my conversation with Abang last nite, he's so nice and lovely..
hmmmm, it's getting closer anyway...
but still dunno how to make it...
surrender to Allah, but i jaz can smile ;)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

bukber temen2kyuu...

kemaren gw buka bersama temen2 jaman online bareng di Fren...
sebenernya gw masih belum puasa, tapi gw ikutan momentnya ngumpul2nya aja
jam 5.30 pm sampe di AH di depan TIM
hari itu, Kita-kita (Nissya, Anti, Lia, Windy, gw) dah pada kelaperan dan siap2 order buat buka, ko jd gw yg kelaperan ya,xixixixi..
setelah orderan makanan kita dateng dan adzan bergema, kita semua hening dengan kesibukan masing-masing (makan maksudnya) gatau tuh dah pada berdoa buka puasa apa enggak..*grin
gw sukaaaaaaaaaa bgt disaat2 kita bisa ketawa lepas, cekikikan nyeritain hal2 konyol yg dulu kita lakuin bareng, belum lagi cerita-cerita asmara yang ga kalah serunya sama sinetron2 abg di tipi-tipi itu tuuuuuuuuuuh,hehehehe...

  • about Nisa yg lagi suka bgt sama temen sekantornya yg katanya Windy sih cupu abiiiisss, tp gatau kenapa tuh Nisa awet bgt kesemsem sama si "W", padahal itu dari jamannya gw suka sama si "R" yg entah dimana sekarang berada,hiks...
  • about Anti yg masih setia dgn Husen yg dah dipacarin lebih dari 7 thn tp sampe sekarang masih belum nikah juga karena Husen yg belum bisa yakinin nyokapnya untuk restuin hubungannya dengan Anti yg bukan "Arab", fiuuuuuuuuuuuuh...(hare genneeee....)
  • about Windy yang selalu positive thinking tentang cowo2 yang gw anggap ga pantes dipositif thingking-in,hehehe..;)
  • and the last but not least is Lia...dia tuh masih belum jelas maunya apa...*sigh

well, yang pasti gw senenglah bisa ngumpul2 sama temen2 seperjuangan dulu, even we're not young no more tapi yang penting we can get thru this hard life..*fiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...

gonna miss this moment to come in the future...

Monday, September 17, 2007

jaz wondering...

belum puasa lagi hari ini...
hmmmmmmm, yesterday was a wonderful weekend for me...
ke ambas sama ita,jq and jenny (jq's sista) and i felt like having a new happy family, thx to Allah
oya, gw ga ngerti kenapa gw bisa shopping over n over again padahal jumat kemaren dah beli sandal di pelangi,hiks...*parah nih instict shopaholic gw belum punah2 juga*
tapi gw yakin, pada saatnya nanti gw akan mikir 1000x buat belanja-belanji hal2 yg ga penting, tapi nantiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......*kl dah punya anak kali yeee,hehehehe...
well, it was a cloudy sunday morning, adeeeeeemmm bgt, seadem hatikyuu ;)
hope there's a sweet surprise today,amiiiinnnn ..*ngareeeeepp bgt yah gw :)

Friday, September 14, 2007

luv it sooooooo bad


I'm Dying, Dying to wake up without you, without you in my head again
I'm Dying, Dying to forget about you, that you ever lived
There's a shade come over this heart that's coping with laying down to rest
I'm Dying to live without you again

I'm Dying, Dying to find a distraction, get you away from me
I'm Dying, Dying to reach a conclusion, so that the world can see
It's the same old story of love and glory that broke before it bent
I'm Dying to live without you again

The first time you left I said goodbye
Now there's not a prayer that can survive

Dying, Dying to die just to come back so we can meet again
Dying, Dying to say what I always should have said
It's a strange emotion this but there's still hope in this
As long as there's a breath...
I'm Dying and I can't live without you again

It's a strange emotion this but there's still hope in this
As long as there's a breath...

I'm Dying and I can't live without you
I'm Dying and I can't live without you again

suka banget sama lyrics "dying"-nya Five for Fighting ini...
daleeeeeem bgt, bikin gw menghayal....* wahai pangeran pujaan hatiku, where art thou?...hiks*

hari kedua ga puasa...

wake up 3.00 am in the morning, nguap2 bengong2 ga jelas akhirnya gw bisa bangun dari tempat tidurkuw..
preparing to solat tahajjud but then....ternyata i got my periods,hiks...
langsung balik lagi to my lovely room, aaaaaand setel weaker jam 5.45 tiduuuuuuuuuuuurrr,zzzzzzzzzzzz...

dah lumayan lama juga ga posting blog karena sibuk sama banyak hal ga jelas, wasted...
there are so many things happened to me lately...
so unpredictable
so confusing
so annoying
but then i realized that Allah loves me more than i've ever thought...
thx to Allah who gave me this blessed..

so, starting from today, i'll write it on...
