Setelah celingak celinguk baru nyadar ternyata sepi sekali sisi utara ini!
Semua pada meeting ini itu sedangkan gw ngerjain several unfinished invoices and other restitutions..
Soooo, setelah sekian lama tak menyapa blog ini akhirnya ada rasa kangen juga buat ketak-ketik gak penting, update aaahh, hihi..
Oiyaaa, gak berasa deh udah 6 bulan lebih loh gw dan Iqbal menikah, hihi lucu aja kalo inget kita kelakuannya masih kaya orang pacaran *emang iya masih pacaran tapi kali ini pacarannya udah halal dong :P*
But so far, i'm happy...
Happy to know that he's already my husband
Happy that he's someone to shed a tears when i'm down
Happy that he always be there in happiness or sorrow
but the most importanto is I'm Happy that he loves me that much :)
The latest weekend, hubby and me came to our nephew's Aqiqah...*Iqbal's nephew exactly*
There are sooo many relatives were coming and joining to celebrate it
I'm so happy those day but not for the questions about kebuntingan yang belum menunjukkan tanda2nya, hhhhh...
I don't wanna share about that here coz it's enough, mooooore than enough..that's it!
Me, still live in hubby's house which means my mother/father in law's house
Berasanya kayak nginep tapi gak pulang-pulang gw, hehehe sebenernya gw pengen bangettt ngontrak atau ngekos, tapi kayanya hal itu masih dipending sampe hmmmm entah kapan :P *doakan segera yaaa....*
Well, stuck in a moment and no idea what to write...
Need some air to breathe, hope can update it soon...*the soonest the better, haha inget slogannya siapa ya?*
5 days ago
Salam kenal ya... hmmm.. ceritanya blog ttg a new day become a new wife ya? ^_^
meikaa..pkabar say?masi sering k ambas & TA?gw kngen bgt ksana, huhuhu...
eh about 'the question' i've been there, tapi tnang aja, people say everything will be beautiful at the right time.. :)
To Eneng Ocha: Alaikumsalam neng, salam kenal juga ya...
Iya blog ini memang diary keseharian aku setelah nikah dan sebelum nikah juga ada, hehe...
To Ulil: Hai Lil, baik dear, kamu gimana? Masih suka banget ke ambas apalagi ke TA, hehe ayok kita kesana bareng!
Iya Ulil, agak risih juga sih lama2, tapi kayaknya emang harus dihadapi dengan sabar dan senyuman.
Thank ya Lil, semoga kehamilan dan delivery nanti lancar ya :)
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